Gur Ka Darshan Dekh Dekh Jeeva | Dhadrian Wale
Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.
Gur Ka Darshan Dekh Dekh Jeeva - Gurbani Shabad Vichar by Bhai Ranjit Singh Khalsa dhadrian wale
gur kw drsn dyiK dyiK jIvWUploaded by on 23.11.2019
Gurbani Shabad
- gauVI mhlw 5 ]
- iqsu gur kau ismrau swis swis ]
- guru myry pRwx siqguru myrI rwis ]1] rhwau ]
- gur kw drsnu dyiK dyiK jIvw ]
- gur ky crx Doie Doie pIvw ]1]
- gur kI ryxu inq mjnu krau ]
- jnm jnm kI haumY mlu hrau ]2]
- iqsu gur kau JUlwvau pwKw ]
- mhw Agin qy hwQu dy rwKw ]3]
- iqsu gur kY igRih Fovau pwxI ]
- ijsu gur qy Akl giq jwxI ]4]
- iqsu gur kY igRih pIsau nIq ]
- ijsu prswid vYrI sB mIq ]5]
- ijin guir mo kau dInw jIau ]
- Awpunw dwsrw Awpy muil lIau ]6]
- Awpy lwieE Apnw ipAwru ]
- sdw sdw iqsu gur kau krI nmskwru ]7]
- kil klys BY BRm duK lwQw ]
- khu nwnk myrw guru smrwQw ]8]9]
Gurbani Shabad Translation
- Gauree, Fifth Mehl:
- I remember the Guru with each and every breath.
- The Guru is my breath of life, the True Guru is my wealth. ||1||Pause||
- Beholding the Blessed Vision of the Guru's Darshan, I live.
- I wash the Guru's Feet, and drink in this water. ||1||
- I take my daily bath in the dust of the Guru's Feet.
- The egotistical filth of countless incarnations is washed off. ||2||
- I wave the fan over the Guru.
- Giving me His Hand, He has saved me from the great fire. ||3||
- I carry water for the Guru's household;
- from the Guru, I have learned the Way of the One Lord. ||4||
- I grind the corn for the Guru's household.
- By His Grace, all my enemies have become friends. ||5||
- The Guru who gave me my soul,
- has Himself purchased me, and made me His slave. ||6||
- He Himself has blessed me with His Love.
- Forever and ever, I humbly bow to the Guru. ||7||
- My troubles, conflicts, fears, doubts and pains have been dispelled;
- says Nanak, my Guru is All-powerful. ||8||9||
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"I am a new person"
Dear Bhai Sahib, I am sehajdhari and soon will take amrit. I am a carpenter with less education. I had so many confusions earlier. I am listening your kirtan for last 2 years. All my confusions are solved. I am even able to answers questions to other people who are still living in blind faith and follow useless brahmanvadi rituals. Thank you very much for sending gurbani true message to sangat. I pray for your chardi kala.
_ Dipender Singh - London
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