Ek Jo Sadhu Mohe Mileyo Shabad Kirtan Full HD Dhadrianwale - DhadrianWale

eyku ju swDU muoih imilE iqin@ lIAw AMcil lwie

Shabad MP3 Audio by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrian wale

Gurbani Shabad

  • kbIr jm kw TyNgw burw hY Ehu nhI sihAw jwie ]
  • eyku ju swDU muoih imilE iqin@ lIAw AMcil lwie ]78]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Kabeer, Death's club is terrible; it cannot be endured.
  • I have met with the holy man; he has attached me to the hem of his robe. ||78||

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_ Kanwaljit Singh, Ludhiana

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