Aukhi Ghadi Na Dekhan Deyi | Shabad Vichar | DhadrianWale

AauKI GVI n dyKx dyeI Apnw ibrdu smwly

Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Aukhi Ghadi Na Dekhan Deyi | Shabad Vichar

AauKI GVI n dyKx dyeI Apnw ibrdu smwly
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Gurbani Shabad

  • DnwsrI mhlw 5 ]
  • AauKI GVI n dyKx dyeI Apnw ibrdu smwly ]
  • hwQ dyie rwKY Apny kau swis swis pRiqpwly ]1]
  • pRB isau lwig rihE myrw cIqu ]
  • Awid AMiq pRBu sdw shweI DMnu hmwrw mIqu ] rhwau ]
  • min iblws Bey swihb ky Acrj dyiK bfweI ]
  • hir ismir ismir Awnd kir nwnk pRiB pUrn pYj rKweI ]2]15]46]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehl:
  • He does not let His devotees see the difficult times; this is His innate nature.
  • Giving His hand, He protects His devotee; with each and every breath, He cherishes him. ||1||
  • My consciousness remains attached to God.
  • In the beginning, and in the end, God is always my helper and companion; blessed is my friend. ||Pause||
  • My mind is delighted, gazing upon the marvellous, glorious greatness of the Lord and Master.
  • Remembering, remembering the Lord in meditation, Nanak is in ecstasy; God, in His perfection, has protected and preserved his honor. ||2||15||46||

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"I get answers to most of my questions related to self, parmatma and the universe, by listening to you"
Param SatkaR Yog Bhai Sahib Ji, waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh. I am one of millions of listeners who listen to your live or recorded kirtan darbars. I feel that your vyakhya of gurbani takes us most near to the message that Guru Sahib Jis wanted to give to this mankind. And by listening to you i get answers to most of my questions related to self, parmatma and the universe. And above all you are spreading message of our Gurus against all the odds and propaganda being done against you. May waheguru ji give you more strength so that you can continue doing so. You explain many concepts that gurbani is teaching us. I want to listen from you about lots n lots written in gurbani about Anhad Naad and Dasam Dwar. Please throw light upon this in your satsang, not only in one but many divans as it is such a vast topic. I hope you will accept this request and enlighten the path of many seekers/ sikhs. This is needed the most as any katha vachak hardly speaks about this. I live in Amritsar and eager to meet you. May waheguru ji bless you with good health n long life.
_ Simran Singh Makkar, Chandigarh

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