Barsai Amrit Boond Suhavani - Gurbani Shabad | Dhadrian Wale
Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.
Barsai Amrit Boond Suhavani - Gurbani Shabad beautifuly sung and explained by Bhai Sahib Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrian wale
iknW sohxw gurbwxI Sbd kIrqn gwien Aqy vIcwr krdy hoey F`frIAW vwlyUploaded by on 05.02.2021
Gurbani Shabad
- brsY AMimRq Dwr bUMd suhwvxI ]
- swjn imly shij suBwie hir isau pRIiq bxI ]
- hir mMdir AwvY jw pRB BwvY Dn aUBI gux swrI ]
- Gir Gir kMqu rvY sohwgix hau ikau kMiq ivswrI ]
- auniv Gn Cwey brsu suBwey min qin pRymu suKwvY ]
- nwnk vrsY AMimRq bwxI kir ikrpw Gir AwvY ]4]
Gurbani Shabad Translation
- The Ambrosial Nectar rains down on us! Its drops are so delightful!
- Meeting the Guru, the Best Friend, with intuitive ease, the mortal falls in love with the Lord.
- The Lord comes into the temple of the body, when it pleases God's Will; the soul-bride rises up, and sings His Glorious Praises.
- In each and every home, the Husband Lord ravishes and enjoys the happy soul-brides; so why has He forgotten me?
- The sky is overcast with heavy, low-hanging clouds; the rain is delightful, and my Beloved's Love is pleasing to my mind and body.
- O Nanak, the Ambrosial Nectar of Gurbani rains down; the Lord, in His Grace, has come into the home of my heart. ||4||
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"I am a new person"
Dear Bhai Sahib, I am sehajdhari and soon will take amrit. I am a carpenter with less education. I had so many confusions earlier. I am listening your kirtan for last 2 years. All my confusions are solved. I am even able to answers questions to other people who are still living in blind faith and follow useless brahmanvadi rituals. Thank you very much for sending gurbani true message to sangat. I pray for your chardi kala.
_ Dipender Singh - London
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