Didha Sabh Sansar Sukh na Naam Bin | Dhadrian Wale

if`Tw sBu sMswru suK n nwm ibnu

Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Gurbani Shabad Kirtan by Jatha Bhai Ranjit singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrian Wale



if`Tw sBu sMswru suK n nwm ibnu
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Gurbani Shabad

  • m: 5 ]
  • jIvn pdu inrbwxu ieko ismrIAY ]
  • dUjI nwhI jwie ikin ibiD DIrIAY ]
  • ifTw sBu sMswru suKu n nwm ibnu ]
  • qnu Dnu hosI Cwru jwxY koie jnu ]
  • rMg rUp rs bwid ik krih prwxIAw ]
  • ijsu Bulwey Awip iqsu kl nhI jwxIAw ]
  • rMig rqy inrbwxu scw gwvhI ]
  • nwnk srix duAwir jy quDu BwvhI ]2]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Fifth Mehl:
  • To obtain the state of life of Nirvaanaa, meditate in remembrance on the One Lord.
  • There is no other place; how else can we be comforted?
  • I have seen the whole world - without the Lord's Name, there is no peace at all.
  • Body and wealth shall return to dust - hardly anyone realizes this.
  • Pleasure, beauty and delicious tastes are useless; what are you doing, O mortal?
  • One whom the Lord Himself misleads, does not understand His awesome power.
  • Those who are imbued with the Love of the Lord attain Nirvaanaa, singing the Praises of the True One.
  • Nanak: those who are pleasing to Your Will, O Lord, seek Sanctuary at Your Door. ||2||
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Sangats' Feedback

"I am a Punjabi and have been listening to Bhai Ranjit Singh ji discourses"
I am a Punjabi and have been listening to Bhai Ranjit Singh ji's discourses. In my view, his messages are not only for Sikhs but affect other people too who may not be sikhs (I am myself a non-sikh). I feel that some of the discourses need to be translated to Hindi and English to start with.
_ D D Rishi, Vadodhara

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