Shabad - Bhali Suhavi Chhapri Jaa Meh Gunn Haaye | DhadrianWale
Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.
Guru Manyo Granth Chetna Samagam - Shabad - Bhali Suhavi Chhapri Jaa Meh Gunn Haaye
BlI suhwvI CwprI jw mih gun gweyUploaded by on 27.06.2018
Gurbani Shabad
- rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 Gru 4
- <> siqgur pRswid ]
- BlI suhwvI CwprI jw mih gun gwey ]
- ikq hI kwim n Daulhr ijqu hir ibsrwey ]1] rhwau ]
- Andu grIbI swDsMig ijqu pRB iciq Awey ]
- jil jwau eyhu bfpnw mwieAw lptwey ]1]
- pIsnu pIis EiF kwmrI suKu mnu sMqoKwey ]
- AYso rwju n ikqY kwij ijqu nh iqRpqwey ]2]
- ngn iPrq rMig eyk kY Ehu soBw pwey ]
- pwt ptMbr ibriQAw ijh ric loBwey ]3]
- sBu ikCu qum@rY hwiQ pRB Awip kry krwey ]
- swis swis ismrq rhw nwnk dwnu pwey ]4]1]41]
Gurbani Shabad Translation
- Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehl, Fourth House:
- One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
- Even a crude hut is sublime and beautiful, if the Lord's Praises are sung within it.
- Those mansions where the Lord is forgotten are useless. ||1||Pause||
- Even poverty is bliss, if God comes to mind in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
- This worldly glory might just as well burn; it only traps the mortals in Maya. ||1||
- One may have to grind corn, and wear a coarse blanket, but still, one can find peace of mind and contentment.
- Even empires are of no use at all, if they do not bring satisfaction. ||2||
- Someone may wander around naked, but if he loves the One Lord, he receives honor and respect.
- Silk and satin clothes are worthless, if they lead to greed. ||3||
- Everything is in Your Hands, God. You Yourself are the Doer, the Cause of causes.
- With each and every breath, may I continue to remember You. Please, bless Nanak with this gift. ||4||1||41||
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Sangats' Feedback
"Thanks for yout logical and thruthful gurmat teachings"
Dear Bhai Ranjit Singh Khalsa Ji, I want to thank you for your logical, practical and truthful gurmat teaching which is 100% right. Personally I am 100% behind the stand that you are taking. The corrupt Sikh establishment system that pushes false teachings/literature and seeks only to make money and makes zero positive contribution to the lives of ordinary Sikhs is totally worthless and irrelevant. The actions of these corrupt people are unforgivable. The Guru Sahibs gave us a priceless Sikhi and demonstrated how to live by it in reality. It is up to every individual honest Sikh to personally reject these corrupt people and also make a stand in this age of democracy/freedom of thinking. Thank you once more.
_ Kuldip Singh, Bedford - United Kingdom
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